Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Thunder and lightening

I can't leave Munster without mentioning the old Rathaus (council chambers ).
Built in 1320, it was the site of the signing of the peace of Westphalia ,1648. This was the first ever negotiated peace agreement in Europe. War had been ongoing for 30 years so this was hugely significant .
And THEN .The allies dropped a bomb on it in 1948 ! KAPUT
The town rebuilt it exactly as it was. Luckily the artifacts inside had been stored for safekeeping .
Now, let's get on the road while it's fine .

Germany must have heard about the Waikato win over Wales 🤔

At Haltern Am See we had to stop for an hour for a thunderstorm to pass. Good chance for coffee .This was over the road out of town.

Erdbeeren stop (strawberries) it's also asparagus season and I had a lovely pizza last night covered with them

This time we were luckily in another village when it Bucketed down
The last 24kms into Dorsten were along an old railway line

The riding was great until I followed my gps map and the road ran out

Oops. Back up for 3 then try again.
After a Turkish lunch in Dorsten we thought we'd try for a hotel 6 kms along the road. It was a messy day and we were probably lucky to get 60kms behind us.
Anyway , it's a nice pub and the forecast looks ok for tomorrow

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