We thought we'd got away early at 7.15 but were amazed at how many had got moving already. Before We had done 10kms I'd counted well over 140.
Honestly ! They can't be going far. It wasn't so funny when the little bugger chased me and tried to bite my leg
Our first village today, Calzadilla. Every town has one Municipal Albergue at least.
Rolling country now so lots of old underground sheds and houses.
Sahagun, we cross an ancient bridge over the Rio Cia
This department has gone to a lot of effort in planting shade trees and supplying water and rest areas( it would have been nice if the seat was in the shade
Reliegos. This was as far as we were planning to go today but it was a grotty place and it was only 12.00 so we carried on another 6kms to Mansilla de las Mulas.
Another Dutchman, Willie, catches up with us again. It's nice when someone pulls up beside you and chats for a while. He's carrying on to Leon.
It's 2pm ,siesta time ,and everything's shut except the bars. The men are playing cards and dominoes in the shade. Christine's waiting around for a haircut and I'm going to chill out until the restaurant opens at 7.00
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