Sunday 16 July 2017


What a great stay that was! A huge apartment upstairs and Calotte made us an early breakfast so we could get going, all for 70 euros

6.30 .That's her husband leaving to do the Sunday markets. ๐Ÿด Yes, he sells horse meat.
The trail, EV3, leaves the canal here and makes its way through the forests of Compiegne. It's a cyclists dream around here....IF you know where you're going

Quiet country roads, the odd Abbey, and miles of forest roads!
We found the site of the Armistice signing, deep in the forest

Very poignant being 100 years next year that it was signed here.
The problem was trying to find our way back to the trail again

The man hiring bikes put us back on the right track.
I've been here before but the traffic put me off the city . It's just another world when you arrive by bike. What a nice city !!

The Maire ( council office) was built in 1500 and boasts the oldest public clock still working in France. While taking this it struck mid day and the 3 'men' way up the top,picked up their mallets and proceeded to wallop the bells๐Ÿค—

Ahh, on route again. The trail took a dive down under a railway bridge here, just as a barge loaded with scrap iron roared past. Whew!

We stopped 5kms short of Senlis , being Sunday night we wanted to be sure of a bed. This is one of those really basic but clean places for 47 euros. I just looked at Strava and it showed me my tortuous route we took today.

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